ArcaDOS 1.4

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view post Posted on 17/6/2023, 17:22     +1   -1




Hola amigos, soy nuevo en esto de del ARCADOS, lo instale pero la imagen se me ve pequeña en mi munitor arcade y no se como agrandarla.
Con la unica opcion que me da imagen es con "vgaline" pero no entiendo nada de nada.
Perdon por mi ignorancia en el tema, alguien podria brindarme ayuda..
Este es el codigo de mi ADVMAME.RC Y ADVMENUP.RC

device_video_interlace yes

device_sound vsync/ac97

device_joystick none

display_rol no

debug_crash no
debug_rawsound no
debug_speedmark no
device_color_bgr15 yes
device_color_bgr16 yes
device_color_bgr24 yes
device_color_bgr32 yes
device_color_bgr8 yes
device_color_palette8 yes
device_color_yuy2 yes
device_mouse auto
device_svgaline_divideclock no
device_svgaline_skipboard 0
device_vbeline_16bit_clock_multiplier 1
device_vbeline_8bit_clock_multiplier 1
device_vbeline_clock_multiplier 1
device_vbeline_mode bigger
device_video_cursor auto
device_video_doublescan yes
device_video_fastchange no
device_video_output auto
device_video_singlescan yes
dir_artwork artwork
dir_diff diff
dir_hi hi
dir_image image
dir_inp inp
dir_memcard memcard
dir_nvram nvram
dir_rom c:\arcados\arc_roms;c:\arcados\arc_roms\BIOS
dir_sample c:\arcados\arc_samp
dir_snap c:\arcados\arc_snap
dir_sta sta
display_adjust generate_clocky
display_antialias yes
display_artwork_backdrop yes
display_artwork_bezel no
display_artwork_crop yes
display_artwork_overlay yes
display_aspectx 4
display_aspecty 3
display_beam 1
display_brightness 1
display_buffer yes
display_color auto
display_expand 1
display_flicker 0
display_flipx no
display_flipy no
display_frameskip auto
display_gamma 1
display_intensity 1.5
display_interlaceeffect none
display_magnify 1
display_mode auto
display_pausebrightness 1
display_resize fractional
display_resizeeffect none
display_restore yes
display_rgbeffect none
display_ror no
display_scanlines yes
display_skipcolumns auto
display_skiplines auto
display_translucency yes
display_vsync no
input_hotkey yes
input_idleexit 0
input_map[coin5] auto
input_map[coin6] auto
input_map[coin7] auto
input_map[coin8] auto
input_map[event10] auto
input_map[event11] auto
input_map[event12] auto
input_map[event13] auto
input_map[event14] auto
input_map[event1] auto
input_map[event2] auto
input_map[event3] auto
input_map[event4] auto
input_map[event5] auto
input_map[event6] auto
input_map[event7] auto
input_map[event8] auto
input_map[event9] auto
input_map[p1_up] keyboard[0,up] or keyboard[0,8_pad]
input_map[p1_down] keyboard[0,down] or keyboard[0,2_pad]
input_map[p1_left] keyboard[0,left] or keyboard[0,4_pad]
input_map[p1_right] keyboard[0,right] or keyboard[0,6_pad]
input_map[p1_dialx] auto
input_map[p1_dialy] auto
input_map[p1_lightgunx] auto
input_map[p1_lightguny] auto
input_map[p1_mousex] auto
input_map[p1_mousey] auto
input_map[p1_paddlex] auto
input_map[p1_paddley] auto
input_map[p1_pedalbrake] auto
input_map[p1_pedalgas] auto
input_map[p1_pedalother] auto
input_map[p1_stickx] auto
input_map[p1_sticky] auto
input_map[p1_stickz] auto
input_map[p1_trackballx] auto
input_map[p1_trackbally] auto
input_map[p2_dialx] auto
input_map[p2_dialy] auto
input_map[p2_lightgunx] auto
input_map[p2_lightguny] auto
input_map[p2_mousex] auto
input_map[p2_mousey] auto
input_map[p2_paddlex] auto
input_map[p2_paddley] auto
input_map[p2_pedalbrake] auto
input_map[p2_pedalgas] auto
input_map[p2_pedalother] auto
input_map[p2_stickx] auto
input_map[p2_sticky] auto
input_map[p2_stickz] auto
input_map[p2_trackballx] auto
input_map[p2_trackbally] auto
input_map[p3_dialx] auto
input_map[p3_dialy] auto
input_map[p3_lightgunx] auto
input_map[p3_lightguny] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_a] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_b] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_bet] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_c] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_chance] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_chi] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_d] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_double_up] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_e] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_f] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_flip_flop] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_g] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_h] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_i] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_j] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_k] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_kan] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_l] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_m] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_n] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_pon] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_reach] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_ron] auto
input_map[p3_mahjong_score] auto
input_map[p3_mousex] auto
input_map[p3_mousey] auto
input_map[p3_paddlex] auto
input_map[p3_paddley] auto
input_map[p3_pedalbrake] auto
input_map[p3_pedalgas] auto
input_map[p3_pedalother] auto
input_map[p3_stickx] auto
input_map[p3_sticky] auto
input_map[p3_stickz] auto
input_map[p3_trackballx] auto
input_map[p3_trackbally] auto
input_map[p4_dialx] auto
input_map[p4_dialy] auto
input_map[p4_lightgunx] auto
input_map[p4_lightguny] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_a] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_b] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_bet] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_c] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_chance] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_chi] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_d] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_double_up] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_e] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_f] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_flip_flop] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_g] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_h] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_i] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_j] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_k] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_kan] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_l] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_m] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_n] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_pon] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_reach] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_ron] auto
input_map[p4_mahjong_score] auto
input_map[p4_mousex] auto
input_map[p4_mousey] auto
input_map[p4_paddlex] auto
input_map[p4_paddley] auto
input_map[p4_pedalbrake] auto
input_map[p4_pedalgas] auto
input_map[p4_pedalother] auto
input_map[p4_stickx] auto
input_map[p4_sticky] auto
input_map[p4_stickz] auto
input_map[p4_trackballx] auto
input_map[p4_trackbally] auto
input_map[safequit] auto
input_map[service_coin5] auto
input_map[service_coin6] auto
input_map[service_coin7] auto
input_map[service_coin8] auto
input_map[ui_toggle_ui] auto
input_map[ui_select] keyboard[0,1]
input_steadykey no
misc_bios default
misc_cheat no
misc_cheatfile cheat.dat
misc_difficulty none
misc_eventdebug no
misc_eventfile event.dat
misc_freeplay no
misc_hiscorefile hiscore.dat
misc_lang none
misc_languagefile english.lng
misc_mutedemo no
misc_quiet yes
misc_safequit yes
misc_timetorun 0

record_sound no
record_sound_time 15
record_video no
record_video_interleave 2
record_video_time 15
script_led1 on(kdb, 0b1); wait(!event()); off(kdb, 0b1);
script_led2 on(kdb, 0b10); wait(!event()); off(kdb, 0b10);
script_turbo while (event()) { toggle(kdb, 0b100); delay(100); } off(kdb, 0b100);
script_video wait(!event()); set(kdb, 0);
sound_adjust auto
sound_equalizer_highvolume 0
sound_equalizer_lowvolume 0
sound_equalizer_midvolume 0
sound_latency 0.10
sound_mode auto
sound_normalize yes
sound_samplerate 44100
sound_samples yes
sound_volume -3
sync_fps auto
sync_resample auto
sync_speed 1
sync_startuptime 0
sync_turbospeed 3
ui_color[help_other] 000000 808080
ui_color[help_p1] 000000 ffff00
ui_color[help_p2] 000000 00ff00
ui_color[help_p3] 000000 ff0000
ui_color[help_p4] 000000 00ffff
ui_color[interface] 000000 ffffff
ui_color[select] 000000 aaaaaa
ui_color[tag] 247ef0 ffffff
ui_font auto
ui_fontsize auto
ui_helpimage auto
ui_translucency 0.8

input_map[p1_doubleright_up] keyboard[0,r]
input_map[p1_doubleright_down] keyboard[0,f]
input_map[p1_doubleright_left] keyboard[0,d]
input_map[p1_doubleright_right] keyboard[0,g]
input_map[p1_doubleleft_up] keyboard[0,up]
input_map[p1_doubleleft_down] keyboard[0,down]
input_map[p1_doubleleft_left] keyboard[0,left]
input_map[p1_doubleleft_right] keyboard[0,right]
otwalls/input_map[p1_dial_left] keyboard[0,lalt]
otwalls/input_map[p1_dial_right] keyboard[0,lcontrol]
otwalls/input_map[p2_doubleleft_left] keyboard[0,d]
otwalls/input_map[p2_doubleleft_right] keyboard[0,g]
otwalls/input_map[p2_dial_left] keyboard[0,s]
otwalls/input_map[p2_dial_right] keyboard[0,a]
input_map[coin2] keyboard[0,2] keyboard[0,a]
device_video vgaline
device_video_modeline standard_vga_text40_8x8 12.576 320 516 574 800 200 223 226 262 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_vga_text40_9x8 12.576 360 536 594 800 200 223 226 262 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_vga_text80_8x8 14.148 640 720 786 900 200 223 226 262 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_vga_text80_9x8 25.1834 720 1072 1190 1602 200 223 226 262 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_240x180 5.15616 240 264 288 328 180 182 184 196 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 80.2041 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_480x180 10.3123 480 528 576 656 180 182 184 196 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 80.2041 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_256x192 5.40768 256 280 304 344 192 195 197 210 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 74.8571 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_512x192 10.8154 512 560 608 688 192 195 197 210 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 74.8571 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_272x204 5.78496 272 296 328 368 204 207 210 223 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 70.4933 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_544x204 11.5699 544 592 656 736 204 207 210 223 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 70.4933 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_288x216 6.16224 288 320 344 392 216 219 222 236 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 66.6102 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_576x216 12.3245 576 640 688 784 216 219 222 236 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 66.6102 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_384x224 8.1744 384 424 464 520 224 226 229 244 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 64.4262 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_768x224 16.3488 768 848 928 1040 224 226 229 244 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 64.4262 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_304x228 6.53952 304 336 368 416 228 231 234 249 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 63.1325 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_608x228 13.079 608 672 736 832 228 231 234 249 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 63.1325 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_320x240 6.79104 320 352 384 432 240 243 246 262 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_640x240 13.5821 640 704 768 864 240 243 246 262 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_336x252 7.16832 336 368 408 456 252 255 259 275 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 57.1636 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_672x252 14.3366 672 736 816 912 252 255 259 275 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 57.1636 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_344x258 7.29408 344 376 408 464 258 262 265 282 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 55.7447 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_688x258 14.5882 688 752 816 928 258 262 265 282 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 55.7447 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_352x264 7.5456 352 392 424 480 264 267 271 288 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 54.5833 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_704x264 15.0912 704 784 848 960 264 267 271 288 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 54.5833 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_368x276 7.79712 368 400 440 496 276 279 283 301 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 52.2259 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_736x276 15.5942 736 800 880 992 276 279 283 301 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 52.2259 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_384x288 8.1744 384 424 464 520 288 291 295 314 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 50.0637 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_768x288 16.3488 768 848 928 1040 288 291 295 314 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 50.0637 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_400x300 8.55168 400 440 480 544 300 304 307 327 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 48.0734 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_800x300 17.1034 800 880 960 1088 300 304 307 327 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 48.0734 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_416x312 8.92896 416 464 504 568 312 316 321 341 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 46.0997 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_832x312 17.8579 832 928 1008 1136 312 316 321 341 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 46.0997 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_432x324 9.18048 432 472 520 584 324 329 333 354 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 44.4068 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_864x324 18.361 864 944 1040 1168 324 329 333 354 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 44.4068 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_448x336 9.55776 448 496 536 608 336 341 345 367 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 85.6676 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_464x348 9.93504 464 512 560 632 348 353 357 380 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 82.7368 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_480x360 10.1866 480 528 576 648 360 365 369 393 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 80 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_496x372 10.5638 496 544 592 672 372 377 382 406 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 77.4384 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_512x384 10.9411 512 568 616 696 384 389 394 419 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 75.0358 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_544x408 11.5699 544 600 656 736 408 413 418 445 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 70.6517 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_576x432 12.3245 576 640 696 784 432 438 444 472 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 66.6102 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_608x456 12.9533 608 672 728 824 456 462 468 498 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 63.1325 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_640x480 13.5821 640 704 768 864 480 486 493 524 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_672x504 14.3366 672 744 808 912 504 510 517 550 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 57.1636 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_688x516 14.7139 688 760 832 936 516 523 529 563 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 55.8437 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_704x528 14.9654 704 776 848 952 528 535 542 576 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 54.5833 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_736x552 15.72 736 816 888 1000 552 560 567 603 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 52.1393 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_768x576 16.3488 768 848 920 1040 576 584 591 629 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 49.9841 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_800x600 17.1034 800 888 968 1088 600 608 616 655 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 48 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_1024x768 21.8822 1024 1128 1232 1392 768 778 788 838 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 37.5179 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_1280x1024 27.2899 1280 1408 1536 1736 1024 1038 1051 1118 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 28.1216 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_256x224 5.40768 256 280 304 344 224 226 229 244 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 64.4262 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_512x224 10.8154 512 560 608 688 224 226 229 244 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 64.4262 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_256x240 5.40768 256 280 304 344 240 243 246 262 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_512x240 10.8154 512 560 608 688 240 243 246 262 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_320x224 6.79104 320 352 384 432 224 226 229 244 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 64.4262 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_640x224 13.5821 640 704 768 864 224 226 229 244 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 64.4262 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_512x448 10.9411 512 568 616 696 448 454 460 489 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 64.2945 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_512x480 10.9411 512 568 616 696 480 486 493 524 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_640x448 13.5821 640 704 768 864 448 454 460 489 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 64.2945 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_640x512 13.5821 640 704 768 864 512 519 526 559 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 56.2433 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_720x448 15.3427 720 792 864 976 448 454 460 489 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 64.2945 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_720x480 15.3427 720 792 864 976 480 486 493 524 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_720x512 15.3427 720 792 864 976 512 519 526 559 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 56.2433 [Hz]
device_video_modeline standard_720x576 15.3427 720 792 864 976 576 584 591 629 -hsync -vsync interlace # H 15720 [Hz], V 49.9841 [Hz]

device_video_clock 5-50 / 15.75 / 50-60


device_video vgaline
device_video_interlace yes
device_video_clock 4-50 / 15.62 / 50 ; 4-50 / 15.73 / 60
device_video_modeline standard_vga_text40_8x8 12.576 320 516 574 800 200 223 226 262 -hsync -vsync # H 15720 [Hz], V 60 [Hz]
display_size 320

device_sound vsync/ac97

device_joystick none


config save_at_exit
device_color_bgr15 yes
device_color_bgr16 yes
device_color_bgr24 yes
device_color_bgr32 yes
device_color_bgr8 yes
device_color_palette8 yes
device_color_yuy2 yes
device_keyboard auto
device_mouse none
device_svgaline_divideclock no
device_svgaline_skipboard 0
device_vbeline_16bit_clock_multiplier 1
device_vbeline_8bit_clock_multiplier 1
device_vbeline_clock_multiplier 1
device_vbeline_mode bigger
device_video_cursor auto
device_video_doublescan no
device_video_fastchange no
device_video_output auto
device_video_singlescan yes
difficulty none
display_brightness 1
display_gamma 1
display_restoreatexit yes
display_restoreatgame no
emulator "advmame" advmame "..\arc_emul\advmame.exe"
emulator_file_custom "advmame" "layout.amp"
emulator_marquees "advmame" "..\arc_marq"
event_alpha no
event_assign up up or 8_pad
event_assign down down or 2_pad
event_assign left left or 4_pad
event_assign right right or 6_pad
event_assign enter 1
event_assign esc esc
event_assign space space
event_assign home lcontrol up or lcontrol 8_pad
event_assign end lcontrol down or lcontrol 2_pad
event_assign pgup f1
event_assign pgdn f1
event_assign ins lcontrol left or lcontrol 4_pad
event_assign del lcontrol right or lcontrol 6_pad
event_assign shutdown p
event_assign mode tab
event_assign help f1
event_assign favorites_next f2
event_assign type f3
event_assign exclude f4
event_assign sort f5
event_assign emulator_pre f6
event_assign emulator_next f7
event_assign setfavorites f9
event_assign settype f10
event_assign runclone f12
event_assign command f8
event_assign menu 2
event_assign rotate 0_pad
event_assign lock a q
event_assign preview space
event_assign mute period_pad
event_mode fast
event_repeat 500 50
favorites "Favoritos"
favorites "Versus"
favorites "Otros"
favorites_filtertype no
icon_space 43
idle_screensaver 60 10
idle_screensaver_preview snap
idle_start 0 0
input_hotkey no
lock yes
menu_systems no
merge any
misc_exit all
misc_quiet yes
mode list
mouse_delta 100
preview snap
preview_default none
preview_default_cabinet none
preview_default_flyer none
preview_default_icon none
preview_default_marquee "..\arc_marq\default.png"
preview_default_snap none
preview_default_title none
preview_expand 1
security_exit no
sort parent
sound_background_begin "INTRO.MP3"
sound_background_end none
sound_background_loop none
sound_background_loop_dir "..\_A2_SND"
sound_background_start none
sound_background_stop none
sound_buffer 0.1
sound_foreground_begin none
sound_foreground_end none
sound_foreground_key none
sound_foreground_start none
sound_foreground_stop none
sound_latency 0.3
sound_samplerate 44100
sound_volume -3
ui_background none
ui_bottombar yes
ui_clip single
ui_color backdrop black black
ui_color bar yellow black
ui_color bar_hidden yellow black
ui_color bar_tag yellow black
ui_color cursor gray white
ui_color grid black black
ui_color help lightgray black
ui_color help_tag lightgray black
ui_color icon white white
ui_color menu_hidden lightgray black
ui_color menu_hidden_select lightgray magenta
ui_color menu_item lightgray black
ui_color menu_item_select lightgray magenta
ui_color menu_tag lightgray black
ui_color menu_tag_select lightgray magenta
ui_color submenu_bar yellow black
ui_color submenu_item lightgray black
ui_color submenu_item_select lightgray magenta
ui_command_error Error running the command
ui_command_menu Command...
ui_console no
ui_exit none
ui_font auto
ui_fontsize 24
ui_game snap
ui_gamemsg "Loading"
ui_help none
ui_menukey yes
ui_skipbottom 0
ui_skipleft 0
ui_skipright 0
ui_skiptop 0
ui_startup none
ui_topbar yes
ui_translucency 0.6
advmame/preview snap
advmame/mode custom
menu_pos 0 0
all_games/advmame/menu_pos 2 2
favorites_include "All Games"
type_include "<undefined>"
menu_systems_attrib missing exclude
menu_systems_attrib clone exclude
advmame/type_include "<undefined>"
emulator_include "advmame"
type "<undefined>"
emulator_attrib "advmame" missing exclude
emulator_attrib "advmame" clone exclude
emulator_attrib "advmame" bad exclude
emulator_attrib "advmame" vector include
emulator_attrib "advmame" vertical include
emulator_attrib "advmame" neogeo include
emulator_attrib "advmame" chd include
emulator_attrib "advmame" deco exclude
emulator_attrib "advmame" playchoice exclude
emulator_attrib "advmame" beatmania exclude
emulator_attrib "advmame" pokercasino exclude
emulator_attrib "advmame" quiztrivial exclude
emulator_attrib "advmame" golfdarfish exclude

view post Posted on 3/4/2024, 18:06     +1   -1




Entiendo que ArcaDOS 1.4 soporta los roms de MAME 0.106, pero creo que esto no incluye a los clones. Por ejemplo, se podría jugar a The Simpsons (4 Players), pero no a The Simpsons (2 Players Japan), ¿o me equivoco?

Edited by v1c0 - 3/4/2024, 21:48
view post Posted on 3/4/2024, 20:04     +1   -1

Arcade Workshop

Usuarios AFFA


Todos los roms soportados por 106, si está la 106, la soporta
view post Posted on 7/4/2024, 17:59     +1   -1




QUOTE (Xtob @ 3/4/2024, 21:04) 
Todos los roms soportados por 106, si está la 106, la soporta

Es verdad, tenía mala esta opción: emulator_attrib "AdvMAME" clone include

view post Posted on 7/4/2024, 22:15     +1   -1

Arcade Workshop

Usuarios AFFA


Cias a ti por exponer el problema y la solución !!!!
view post Posted on 22/4/2024, 18:22     +1   -1




QUOTE (ciberkun @ 3/1/2021, 23:11) 
Hola, yo tengo mi maquina con ARCADOS 1.3 en un Pentium 4, me funciona bien, pero quiero renovarla poniendole una nueva placa, estoy haciendo un monton de pruebas con ARCADOS 1.4, pero llevo probando con 4 motherboard Intel, una Foxconn, y un DELL Optiplex 745, todas con socket 775 y SATA, y no hay forma de configurar el audio, ni con AC97 que no se oye nada, ni con sound blaster PCI, (2 PCI128 y 2 SBLive!) con ninguna de ellas consigo sonido en ninguna placa base.

Estoy por tirar la toalla, no se que mas hacer...

Alguien sabe si hay que configurar algo mas para audio en ARCADOS 1.4 ?

Podrías probar con el VSBHDA
425 replies since 6/3/2017, 01:10   11048 views